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Non Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)

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  • Non Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)

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NIPT analysis reveals the most important syndromes that may occur in the number of chromosomes during the formation of the fetus, and this results in an increase in the number of genes, the most important of which are Down syndrome (the Mongolian child), Edward syndrome and Patau syndrome, in addition to identifying the sex of the fetus. This examination depends on the amount of genetic material of the fetus, which crossed through the placenta to reach the mother’s blood, and therefore does not require surgical intervention, and there are no risks affecting pregnancy, and it is important to know that it may require obtaining another sample in the event that the genetic material is not sufficient.

NIPT fetal genetics examination is done in the eighth week of pregnancy and above, as its accuracy reaches 99.9%. The importance of NIPT fetal chromosome examination lies in the timing and high accuracy of the examination compared to other analyzes and examinations, including ultrasound.

The test result includes one of two possibilities as follows: a negative result with Low Risk or a positive result with High Risk, which means that your child may be infected by 99.9%. You can request to contact the doctor to explain all the information about the test and its importance by contacting us, and you can request home service to withdraw Samples for free