Delta Laboratories is keen to make laboratory tests accessible to everyone. Accordingly, 55 periodic tests have been provided for the most important and most requested tests at 55 riyals per test.
Price: 55 List Included Tests 1. Vitamin D 2. Vitamin B12 3. Folic Acid (B9) 4. Complete Blood Count (CBC) 5. Random/fasting blood sugar 6. Cumulative sugar (Hba1c) 7. Insulin 8. Insulin resistance 9. Triglycerides 10. Total cholesterol 11. HDL cholesterol 12. LDL cholesterol 13. Very low-density cholesterol (VLDL) 14. Liver Enzyme (ALT) 15. Liver Enzyme (AST) 16. Liver Enzyme (ALP) 17. Liver Enzyme (GGT) 18. Protein 19. Albumin 20. Albumin/Globulin Ratio 21. Globulin 22. Total Bilirubin 23. Direct Bilirubin 24. Sodium 25. Calcium 26. Potassium 27. Magnesium 28. Phosphorus 29. Chloride 30. TSH 31. Thyroxine (T3) 32. Thyroxine (T4) Free 33. Prolactin 34. Total Testosterone 35. Iron 36. Ferritin 37. Total iron Binding capacity (TIBC) 38. Unbound iron Binding capacity (UIBC) 39. C-reactive protein (CRP) 40. Creatinine (CRP) 41. Urea 42. Uric acid (gout) 43. Corrected calcium 44. Ionized calcium 45. stimulating hormone (FSH) 46. Luteinizing hormone (LH) 47. pregnancy hormone (BHCG) 48. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 49. Rheumatology analysis (RF) 50. Total cortisol 51. Prothrombin time PT 52. Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) 53. Colon cancer marker (CEA) 54. ALFA FETO PROTEIN (AFP) 55. Prostate PSA analysis