After Sleeve Gastrectomy
Monitor your body's vital functions and the extent of the impact of various types of sleeve gastrectomy operations on the body to avoid their undesirable effects and the body's acceptance of them through a package of the most important laboratory tests.
Price: 550
List Included Tests
- 1. Alanine Amino Trasferase (ALT)
- 2. Creatinine, Serum
- 3. Calcium, Serum
- 4. ParaThyroid Hormone
- 5. Vitamin D 25 (25 Hydroxy-Cholecalciferol)
- 6. Vitamin B12
- 7. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- 8. Iron (Fe)
- 9. Ferritin
- 10. Sodium (NA)
- 11. Potassium (K)
- 12. Chloride (CL)
- 13. Uric Acid, Serum
- 14. Aspartate Amino Transferase (AST)
- 15. Urea Nitrogen (BUN)