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Allergy Test

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Allergy Test

If you are experiencing strange symptoms such as: (persistent sneezing, itching, or difficulty breathing) without a clear reason, here comes the role of the comprehensive allergy test ALEX2, which is one of the latest advanced tests to detect a wide range of stimuli that may cause you allergies, and it also contributes to identifying substances that may trigger unwanted reactions in your body, whether they are foods, environmental materials or even medications, as the allergy test / ALEX 2 examines 295 types of allergens and includes all air and food allergens or insect venom with ccd-inhibition technology that avoids false positive results It is done through a single blood sample with a highly accurate result The result appears within 72 hours

Price: 1299

List Included Tests
  • 1. Allergy Panel-295 (Food & Inhalation)