Women Depression Package
Anxiety, stress and depression may appear due to a change in the body's vital signs, so these tests must be performed to determine the exact cause and treat it to get rid of feelings of anxiety and stress and control depression.
Price: 699
List Included Tests
- 1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- 2. Ferritin
- 3. Vitamin B12
- 4. Vitamin D 25 (25 Hydroxy-Cholecalciferol)
- 5. Calcium, Serum
- 6. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
- 7. Creatinine, Serum
- 8. Hemoglobin A1C (Glycosylated Hb, HbA1C)
- 9. Alanine Amino Trasferase (ALT)
- 10. Zinc, Serum
- 11. Potassium (K)
- 12. Sodium (NA)
- 13. Magnesium (Mg)
- 14. Estradiol / Oestradiol (E2), Serum