Price 2999
VIP package includes 66 tests 2999 riyals For kidney, liver, heart, hormone, cancer markers, immune diseases, silent diseases, bones, blood pressure,...
Price 199
Early detection of diabetes : Helps start treatment at the right time and avoid serious complications. Monitoring blood sugar levels: Helps diabetic...
Price 199
The memory and concentration package includes the most important tests to ensure the vital functions that help enhance memory, concentration and menta...
Price 299
Anemia is one of the common and widespread diseases currently, and it also has undesirable symptoms such as lethargy, general fatigue, and the inabili...
Price 340
It gives you a clear picture of your bone health and density, which helps in early detection of any potential bone problems such as softening or fragi...
Price 580
The Heart Package aims to assess the health of the heart and blood vessels. This package includes a set of tests and examinations that help in early d...
Price 555
Silent diseases are among the most dangerous diseases because they do not have clear symptoms, and they may be a cause of life-threatening. Take the i...
Price 1000
To detect and periodically monitor the most important health indicators that are affected by the aging of cells.